
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Episode 28 - Winter Strategies for Trout
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Along with some general banter Joe rotter chats tips for catchin' some trout during the cold months.

Wednesday Oct 10, 2018

Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Episode 26 - Advice for Fall Nymph Fishing
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
One of the keys to being successful in the fall is understanding "light line" nymphing. The water is usually low, clear, and the turbidity of spring doesn't allow for the big heavy setups and spontaneous strikes from trout. Slow things down and lighten up in the fall. Its a delicate game and this podcast is dedicated to helping you get set up right and understand how to put more trout on the line.

Saturday Sep 01, 2018

Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Episode 24 - Become a Better Dry Fly Fisherman
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
It seems as though dry fly fishing is becoming a lost art. No longer do anglers spend days, weeks, or even years mastering the art of a stealthy presentation with a dry fly. Nowadays we just club 'em with a big strike indicator and a couple of nymphs. Dry fly fishing however is the heart and soul of the sport!

Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Episode 23 - World's Best Rainbow Trout Fishing Kamchatka
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Best. Fishing. Ever. This trip is really spectacular. We'll be personally hosting these each summer, so if you have EVER thought about doing this trip please click the link and get more images and information.
Nuff Said.

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Episode 22 - At a Bar in Mexico... Pardon the Language
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
At a the hotel bar in Mexico we chat about the happenings of the week. Excuse my language, I was excited and a had a couple of drinks. Our crew had a killer trip to fish the Sea of Cortez this past week. My best pal Connor and I debrief over a few drinks and discuss the trip. It was really fun and we had a good time chatting about all the action from the week.
Here is a link to the trip info - http://redsflyshop.com/baja-mexico-sea-of-cortez-couples-fishing-trips-1

Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Episode 21 - Trout Tackle Talk
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Come explore a guide's tackle bag and listen to what secrets are inside this thing. We'll chat about flies, tools, floatant, indicators, and more. Helpful links to some products:
Fishpond Cutbank Gear Bag - http://www.redsflyfishing.com/Fishpond-CUTBANK-GEAR-BAG-p/cgb-y.htm
Fishpond Headgate Tippet Holder - http://www.redsflyfishing.com/searchresults.asp?Search=headgate&Submit=
Dr. Slick Scissor Clamps - http://www.redsflyfishing.com/searchresults.asp?Search=scissor+clamps&Submit=
Caddis, Caddis, CADDIS - http://www.redsflyfishing.com/Ultimate-Caddis-Pack-Dry-Flies-Pupae-and-Emerg-p/rfa-2626-caddi.htm
Strike Indicator Variety Pack - http://www.redsflyfishing.com/Strike-Indicator-Variety-Pack-p/strike-indicator-vp.htm
RIO Versileader Kit - http://www.redsflyfishing.com/RIO-10-Spey-VersiLeader-Kit-p/6-24224.htm

Tuesday May 08, 2018
Episode 20 - ESN Tackle Basics
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Let's make this simple. Euro Style Nymphing (dead drifting nymphs without a float/indicator) is damn effective. So much so every competitive fisherman does it! The problem is getting started can be daunting. There is simply too much info out there. Hopefully this Podcast will help you make sense of some of this.
Rods Mentioned:
ECHO Shadow II Czech Nymphing Rod
Redington Hydrogen Rod (11' 3 Weight)

Monday Mar 05, 2018
Episode 19 - Wisdom of the Guides & Rendezvous IX Preview
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
On this episode we review a few things from the weekend's Trout Spey clinics and the fishing from the week, along with a preview of the Red's Rendezvous IX coming up on April 20th - 22nd, 2018. We'll follow up with a summary of a Wisdom of the Guides chapter featuring Craig Mathews.

About Joe Rotter
Joe is a partner at Red's, a riverside fly shop in the Yakima River Canyon. While their .com business is worldwide, the river keeps him locally engaged.He has been fortunate to travel the world to Russia, Chile, Argentina, BC, Belize, Christmas Island, Mexico, Costa Rica, Alaska, Cuba, Florida Keys, and the Everglades. His knowledge of worldwide angling keeps things interesting. He's happy to chat about many different fisheries.